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Service Level Agreements (SLA)


Property and Maintenance undertake all the University's Building Fabric and Engineering reactive maintenance operation.  On average 11,500 requests are received and actioned each year.  At present most faults are entered via the telephone Facilities Service Desk on ext: 5000.  The Planon Helpdesk System enhances our ability to manage activity and deliver a more customer focused service. 


Facilities Service Desk operate a priority system based on the severity of the fault, known as an SLA (Service Level Agreement).   



The SLA categories being as detailed below:

Priority  Type   Description  Target Response
 1  Emergency  Repair to avoid imminent danger  1 hour
 2  Urgent  To avoid prolonged discomfort  1 Day (24 hours)
 3  Essential  To prevent long term damage  within 5 days
 4 Routine   Minor inconvenience  within 7 days
 Minor nuisance
 within 15 days
