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Making Edinburgh Napier University a great place to work for our colleagues is a key priority for us. Listening to and understanding the experience of colleagues is a critical part of our efforts to continue to drive improvements in colleague engagement.

​Your Voice Colleague Survey​​

With a 66% overall response rate, our colleague engagement survey results have given us a good indication of how our colleagues feel about working at the University, along with what the University’s key strengths and weaknesses are.

At 69%, our overall engagement score is in line with the HE sector – this score is taken from the following five questions that were included in Your Voice 2022:


Strongly agree/agree

I am proud to say I work for the University.


I would recommend the University as a good place to be a student.


I would recommend the University as a good place to work.


I would still like to be working at the University in two years’ time.


Working here makes me want to do the bes​​t I can.



You can view the full survey results here.​​

Looking further into the feedback, we’ve been able to better understand what we do well and where we need to improve.

What we do well: It was really encouraging to hear that a lot of colleagues feel that you can work flexibly, are clear on what’s expected of you, and are given autonomy to do your job. You also told us that you are really clear on your role and responsibilities as well as how your work contributes to your School or Department goals and have a clear sense of the University strategy and purpose.

Where we can do better: You don’t feel poor performance is managed effectively, and that change management needs to be improved. It’s felt that we could do more to encourage different parts of the university to work better together and some colleagues feel that the pay and benefits here are not comparable to other similar employers. More specifically in our Schools, colleagues are feeling the impact of workload on their wellbeing. And finally, colleagues lack confidence that action will be taken as a result of the survey and feel that senior leaders could do more to lead the university well so acting on this feedback will be a priority for leaders across the University.

Acting on your feedback is a priority for the University's leadership team, and this will become a standard agenda item at the monthly Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meetings.

Since agreeing the areas of focus for the University, the SLT has established three working groups, each aligned to one of the three identified focus areas. ​

Use the menu navigation on the left to check out the three workstreams. ​

Action Updates following Your Voice 2022 Survey:


Your Voice 2022 – understanding our results and next stepsLast sent 13 Feb, 23
Your Voice action planning - AndreaLast sent 13 Apr, 23
Your Voice: action progress update - AndreaLast sent 30 Jun, 23
Help shape our intranet - Collaboration Last sent 7 Aug, 23
Your Voice: work wellbeing - AndreaLast sent 04 Sept, 23
Your Voice: managing underperformance October - AndreaLast sent 06 Oct, 23​