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​​Postal Loans Service  ​

The Postal Loans Service allows you to request books online using LibrarySearch, and we will send them to you using Royal Mail. ​
This service is available to all UK-based students and staff (excludes the Channel Islands and Isle of Man​).

Please contact your Subject Librarian​ or email library@napier.ac.uk for further details. 


How to apply

Please complete the online registration form.

This form can also be found at UniDesk self-service > Use Self Service Portal > Forms - Teaching Learning and Library Resources > Library Postal Loan Registration (Staff).


The Library will post items to your home address free of charge. You are responsible for paying the postage costs to return items.

Making a request

Requests for Postal Loans should be made using LibrarySearch​:

  • Sign in at the top right using your University login details.  
  • Search for the book you want. When you find it, click on the link underneath e.g. ‘Available at Sighthill’ or 'Currently unavailable; Check here for details.' 


  • ​​Click Request and use Pickup Location to choose Home Address. Click Request. ​

  • You can request up to 5 books at any one time.
  • Books renew automatically for up to 4 months, but may be recalled by another user at any time and it is your responsibility to return them by the due date.
  • Library fines​ apply to all overdue recalled items.
