Vision ▪ n. the ability to
think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom
Project VISION is about delivering our future strategy and
the future of the University over the next years and decades, ensuring it is
supported by the necessary estates and infrastructure to meet the needs of our
diverse University community. It is looking at the future of teaching, the
future of research, the future of technology, and how we plan for all of those.
Our estates and infrastructure, including digital infrastructure, need to be flexible and fit for the future in terms of the changing size and shape of the University, and Project VISION aims to deliver that.
The project is led by Michael Greenhalgh, Director of Strategy & Planning and Secretary to Court, and features six workstreams:
Future of
Learning and Teaching
Future of
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Elaine Hunter
New Campus
Andy McGoff
Future World
Models/Staff & Student Services
Latest updates
Project VISION masterplan strategy document
You can now download the Project VISION masterplan strategy document here.
Campus Conversations
These were held across all three campuses on 2 October 2024. In them, Michael Greenhalgh presented the Project VISION masterplan strategy that features a number of options for extensive investment in our campuses.
You can catch up on the sessions below:
Space utilisations surveys
Space utilisation surveys are continuing across the University until March 2024.
Campus boards
Although Project VISION is a long-term project, where quick
wins have been established during the consultation phase, these have been
implemented quickly where possible. In addtion, our campus boards meet on a monthly basis. The boards have local decision-making authority and coordinate and agree implementation of planned actions. Importantly, they are also a place for sharing issues, ideas and updates.
Upcoming campus board meetings
Craiglockhart | Sighthill | Merchiston |
15 October 11:00 - 12:00
| | |
19 November 11:00 - 12:00
| 6 November 10:00 - 11:00 | 1 November 11:00 - 12:00 |
Recent meeting summaries:
Craiglockhart (11 September)
Paul Barron will act as chair to the Craiglockhart Campus Board moving forward.
The Dr Riady Lecture theatre is now ready for use and the project team were complimented on a great piece of work, delivered to time and budget. Signage will be added to advise that only water should be consumed within the lecture theatre.
The active learning space will be available for timetabled use from 16 September. Due to supplier delays the furniture in the room is temporary and will be replaced during w/o 25 October when any final snagging issues will also be resolved.
Glazing replacement in rooms 2/46, 2/51, 3/43 and corridor outside 3/34 will be progressed later this year. Dates will be provided once available to advise room users, and disruption will be kept to a minimum.
Board members heard about upcoming Open Days and were reminded of the importance of the days and to report any issues with the campus to the P&F Helpdesk.
Sighthill (12 September)
An update on upcoming Campus Open Days was shared, members were encouraged to volunteer.
The board agreed to a Trimester 1 pilot of allocation of desks to the MER and IOSR teams within hot desking room 5.B.28.
The board heard about ongoing campus maintenance works.
Merchiston (10 September)
If you would like more information on any of our campus boards, contact Carol Hay ( in the first instance.
Project VISION is all about the future direction of your
university so we welcome input from everyone. Please get in touch through