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7. The 3E Framework with illustrative examples


The 3E Framework and associated guidance was originally developed in the context of the TESEP Project as a means for thinking about and introducing technology-enhanced opportunities for increasing student autonomy in the redesign of courses. The Academic Strategy recommends that the TESEP principles should continue to inform teaching and learning in the University, and the 3E Framework itself has been adapted by the University for use in the module approval process.


The 3E Framework below provides illustrative examples for a range of common LTA activities. Many of the activity categories match those in the LTA Resource Bank, and work is ongoing to map the LTA Resource Bank case studies to the Framework.


Enhance Extend Empower
Adopting technology in simple and effective ways to actively support students and increase their activity and self-responsibility Further use of technology that facilitates key aspects of students' individual and collaborative learning and assessment through increasing their choice and control Developed use of technology that requires higher order individual and collaborative learning that reflects how knowledge is created and used in the professional environment

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 UK: Scotland License

Making teaching more interactive




Use copyright cleared online video and multimedia clips to reinforce points and examples in class

Bring guest experts into discussion forums or live virtual classrooms

Have groups of students to make short audio or video recordings relating to the main topics to be covered

Seminar participation
Tutorials (preparation and participation)
Groupwork and groupwork management
Supporting large cohorts
Supporting engagement with guest experts and in relevant professional communities
Preparing for and undertaking laboratory and field work
Encouraging timely engagement in key concepts
Work-based learning
Supporting transition and articulation
Student evaluation and student-staff liaison
Contributing knowledge to the public domain
Peer mentoring
Providing globalised learning opportunities
Interdisciplinary learning
Engaging undergraduates in research-based activity
Support and networking for research students