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​Get Inside Curriculum Management

Curriculum Management is an evolving holistic environment that manages the processes and policies of developing, maintaining and improving all provision offered by Edinburgh Napier University. 

Provision includes all types of curricula such as module, programmes, short courses, credit / non-credit bearing and commercial. 

Our evolving Curriculum Management environment also manages the content, structure, organisation, assessment, and pedagogy of our provision to ensure it is fit for the future. 

There are six pathways through the Curriculum Management environment as outlined below. 

The Curriculum Management environment should be intuitive enough to follow these pathways and workflows as you go, however the PDFs below show the full picture and workflow of each journey. 

Our Curriculum Management environment incorporates gates and notifications within these pathways for curriculum development and approval; change and close. 

These gates & notifications: 
  • ensure that the proposed work aligns with University and School strategic intentions;
  • ensure that sufficient time and resource is allocated to the curriculum management activity; 
  • support the timely communication of development and change to relevant stakeholders, for information and for action; 
  • support a co-production approach to curriculum management to actively involve relevant University stakeholders in working collaboratively with module and programme leads at key points during the process
