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​​​Property & Facilities

We work closely with Property & Facilities to make sure our students are kept informed of all the campus services available to them, including the [EN]GAGE Fitness Centre, catering, student accommodation, printing services and environmental sustainability.

Our job is to liaise with each of the teams to ensure that students are aware of them, able to access the services they need and are kept up to date with any events, promotions or campaigns taking place. This often takes the form of marketing collateral, such as posters and leaflets, digital screens, updates in the student newsletter and myNapier and social media.

Some of the events and campaigns we support throughout the year include the ‘New Year, New Me’ fitness month at ENGAGE, themed menu days and ‘Meat Free Mondays’ at our catering outlets, Climate Week Scotland and greener travel events, free sanitary products for students, accommodation welcome days and more.

A number of the Property & Facilities teams have their own dedicated social media channels, which are managed by the Student Communications team. These include:


Facebook / Instagram

Student Accommodation

Facebook / Instagram

Environmental Sustainability

Facebook / Twitter

Enjoy Catering

