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​Students as Colleagues

in the review of teaching practices


Students as Colleagues is an award-winning, innovative programme to review teaching practice across Edinburgh Napier. On the programme students are trained as voluntary professional ‘reviewers’ of teaching practice, paired with a willing staff member from a different discipline
during one trimester and asked to provide reviews on a number of the staff members’ teaching practices. Participants ​engage with this programme as a developmental tool: on completion students will be able to demonstrate employability and professional capacities learned during the project, such as professional reviewing, providing constructive feedback and collaboration competencies and staff will be able to evidence good teaching practice for HEA fellowship applications.


This programme addresses a number of objectives set out in Strategy 2020: promoting ENU’s reputation for leading outstanding research, teaching and innovation in education; increasing opportunities for students to acquire extra-curricular experiences and for these to be recognised as associated learning; encouraging staff and students to work together across disciplines; and engaging students in pedagogical decision-making.


Watch this video to find out more about the experiences of our previous participants.

If you would be interested in peer review with a student partner through our Students as Colleagues programme, please contact Pamela Calabrese (P.Calabrese@napier.ac.uk).



​Mark Huxham, Jenny Scoles, Ursula Green, Samantha Purves, Zoe Welsh & Andrew Gray (2017) ‘Observation has set in’: comparing students and peers as reviewers of teaching, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42:6, 887-899
Available from DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2016.1204594​


Green, Ursula and Scoles, Jenny "Pioneering a Peer Review Initiative: Students as Colleagues in the Review of Teaching Practices," Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education: Iss. 19 (2016)
Available from https://repository.brynmawr.edu/tlthe/vol1/iss19/5


Huxham, M, 29 August 2019, "Customers or Colleagues? Working with students to improve learning". Advanc​e HE's News and Views website
Available from https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/Customers-or-Colleagues​


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