Inducting a new
starter: Manager's Role and Responsibilities
Do you have a new team member starting soon?
are sure you are excited to have a colleague joining your team. As their line manager, you have the essential role of creating a welcoming environment for them where they feel supported in becoming a part of the Edinburgh Napier University community. Below you will find out more about our three-part induction process and your role in it:
1. Local Induction: the local induction encompasses everything that takes place on a team level to welcome a new colleague. This includes orienting new starts to your teams, departments, the University structure and policies, as well as training them on how to use any role necessary platforms. We have created the 'Inducting a new starter checklist' which outlines a number of suggested activities for you to undertake before your new team member(s) start their role, as well as ideas for their first day, week, and month of employment. Please note that this is a general checklist and you are welcome to add any role/departmental/School-specific activities that you feel are important.
You might also wish to have a look at 'New starter checklist' to familiarise yourself with what your new colleague is required to complete as a part of their induction.
2. Mandatory training courses: these courses are in place to ensure the safety and security of all employees and to support the university's values. They are six online training modules that should be completed within the first month of starting your role. Those are: Data Protection (GDPR), ErgoWize Assessment, Fire Safety, Workstation, Equality & Diversity, and Cyber Security Awareness. Click here to read further details and find out how to access the mandatory training modules.
3. In-person induction event: this is a half-day event where new starters learn about the history, structure and context of Edinburgh Napier University, hear from a variety of teams within the University and what services they offer to colleagues, and network with new and existing staff. To browse dates for in-person induction events, please go to HR Connect.
Do you need further support?
The Talent & Development Team offers various developmental sessions and resources for managers. Have a look through our available sessions on HR Connect. We're also happy to have a chat if you have specific questions or concerns about inducting your new colleague. You can email to request a session with one of our Talent and Development colleagues.