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Journals ​


This page tells you how to find journals when you already know the title of the article or​ journal.  Most of our journals are online, but some are only available in print. The print journals available in the Library are for reference only and cannot be borrowed. 


How do I find if the full text is available from the Library? 

You can simply enter keywords into the LibrarySearch​ main search box. However, due to the large number of results available, you may not find a specific article on the first page of your results.

You can click 'Tweak my Results' and select Format > Articles to narrow down your results.

Difficulty finding what you are looking for?

If you can't find the article, check the ejournals list.

In LibrarySearch, click on Journal Search, and enter the title of the journal (not the title of the article).​

​Not available at Edinburgh Napier? 
Request an Inter Library Loan


Use the Inter Library Loan​ service to request an article online.

The Library can obtain articles for your research, normally from the British Library, but we also work with other libraries. You will normally receive an article in electronic format. Items are likely to take at least 10 days to arrive. ​​​
