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The Development Office uses a relational database called Raisers Edge which enables us to build relationships by tracking all interactions with our alumni and supporters including invitations to events, meetings, mailings and phone calls as well as the relationships they hold with other individuals / companies on the database. Raiser's Edge also interacts with our alumni specific website allowing them to log in and update their contact details online.


The Development Office has a regular programme of communication with both alumni and University supporters, including the annual mailing of the Red Triangle magazine, a number of e-communications and regular surveys. All information is updated into Raiser's Edge. 


As well as developing alumni activity, the Raiser's Edge is also used to build relationships with other key University stakeholders including:

  • Donors and potential donors (both individuals and organisations)
  • Business contacts
  • Politicians
  • Consulates
  • Honorary Graduates and Fellows
  • Members of University committees - eg Court, Development Trust, Development Advisory Board.

Raisers Edge is also used by staff in other areas of the University including the Principal’s Office.


Please get in touch (developmentofficeIT@napier.ac.uk) if you would like to communicate information to a group of alumni, or if you would like to find out more about how Raisers Edge could help manage your stakeholder interactions.​​​