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​Andrew Cubie

Chair of Edinburgh Napier University Campaign Board

Andrew was Senior Partner leading at the time, the largest law firm in Scotland, specialising in corporate law. He became the Chairman of the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) in Scotland, involved in both challenge to government and policy advice.

Throughout his life, Andrew has been a champion to ensure children across Scotland can access education. He chaired “The Cubie Committee” which recommended in 1999 the ending of tuition fees in Scotland.

He was knighted in 2008 for public service and is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Edinburgh.  Until recently he was Chairman of the Scottish Credit & Qualification Framework, the British Council Scotland and RNLI Scotland (Royal National Lifeboats Institute).

Andrew was Chairman of Edinburgh Napier University Court until 2008 and was awarded an Honorary Doctor of the University in 2009. He is a Trustee of Edinburgh Napier Development Trust and Chairman of Edinburgh Napier University Campaign Board.​