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Courtesy of freedigitalphotos.netRecords Retention Schedules


A Records Retention Schedule is a list of the records series of an organisation/ department with directions for how the records are to be disposed of after their creation and initial use.  A schedule is a written statement of how long each series, or group of series, is to be kept (e.g. a period of years, until an action has been completed, or indefinitely) and may include instructions on when records are to be transferred to archives or destroyed (see also retention scheduling, appraisal and disposal here). The retention periods for records do NOT differ for electronic and paper records - retention periods are based on the CONTENT of the record, not the format. Please ensure that procedures are in place in your team to dispose of records regularly (at least annually) in accordance with the appropriate policy, guidance and schedule (all below).


The Governance Adviser (Records Management) is currently working with Schools and Service Departments to develop their Records Retention Schedules and these will be added to the resources below. If you have any questions about records retention, storage, disposal etc. then please get in touch.  


The template Records Retention Schedule is available here: RRS Template (updated 20180104)

Each RRS includes a copy of the University Record_Disposal_Form_2018 to be completed/approved when records are destroyed. Please ensure that the destruction of records complies with the Manual and Physical Data Security Policy (section 5 refers) and Guidance on the Safe Disposal of Confidential Waste.


Committee Papers

Please note that master copies of the agendas, papers and minutes of all  University committees and working groups should be retained in accordance with guidance issued by the University’s Information Governance team and as agreed by the Convenor of the committee/working group and/or senior management in the relevant area. Please see the retention schedules below or contact Governance Services. 


If the records you are interested in are not available below please contact the Governance Adviser (Records Management).


Approved University Records Retention Schedules


Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement 

Development and Alumni Relations​


Equate Scotland 


School of Engineering & Built Environment, School of Art & Creative Industries and School of Computing 



School of Applied Sciences and School of Health & Social Care 



 Courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net

Governance Services 


Human Resources 


Information Services 


Planning and Business Intelligence 


School Support Services