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​​Programme Leadership

​​​The Programme Leader is responsible for the overall coherence, delivery, planning, evaluation and enhancement of an academic programme. The role should model the University’s values which require collaborative working with a range of colleagues and students, including the Head of Subject (whose role is detailed below) and school Head of Learning & Teaching (HoLT).​

Effective and inspirational academic leadership is recognised as being essential to the delivery of an excellent, personalised student experience. The Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement (DLTE) has worked in consultation with Programme Leaders, the School Support Service and other professional service staff to develop resources to support and enhance the practice of Programme Leadership here at Edinburgh Napier.

This remit, found in the Additional Resources for Programme Leaders​ section of the Programme Leader Resources Moodle site is intended to be used as a generic guide rather than a set of prescriptive requirements.​


The Programme Leaders Operational Checklist (updated for 22/23) provides a list of numbered tasks which are grouped according to the time in the trimester when the tasks typically need to be undertaken. It is also available in printed form - if you would like a printed copy please contact dlte@napier.ac.uk.


Supporting documents and information for Programme Leaders, including the Programme Leader's Operational Checklist can be found on the Programme Leader Resources site on Moodle​.​​ The Programme Leader Resources Moodle site has been developed to work in correspondence with the checklist. For every numbered task in the checklist, there is a corresponding entry in the Moodle site. Each entry provides more detailed information and, where relevant, resources and contact details for people who can support you in each task.


​ ​​​​​Useful Contacts ​List.xlsx​

Role o​f the Head of Subject 

The Head of Subject will support the Dean of School by providing leadership to staff delivering the vision and ambitions for the subject. The Head of Subject​ will have strategic responsibility to lead across research, learning & teaching, enterprise and professional practice activities to ensure the school is working towards the key performance indicators (KPIs) detailed in Strategy 2020 and the school plan. The Head of Subject will be accountable to the Dean of School and as part of the School Leadership Team (SLT) will have responsibility as detailed in the document below:​

More details can be found in this role description for Head of Subject