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​​​​​​​​Academic Board Sub-Committees

This page provides a 'launch pad' for staff to be able to access information on the sub-committees of Academic Board - including 'open' agendas, papers and minutes of meetings.


Please scroll past the structure diagram below to find links to sharepoint sites for each committee.  The terms of reference of each committee is also given.  Please note that we are currently working to update this information during the re-organisation of the University's academic structure and Academic Board sub-committees.



Tin Can Telephones

All information held by the University is subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), including that contained in committee minutes. If committee papers contain information which is sensitive or confidential in nature (e.g. personal data, sensitive commercial information, contract specifics, etc.) please indicate this in the ‘Communication Issues’ of the paper cover sheet, including the relevant FOISA exemption/s and which section/s of the paper the exemption/s apply to, in order for Governance Services to consider this should a relevant FOI request be received. Whilst the University is not required to provide requestors with documents, we are required to provide information which is not subject to one of the exemptions. 


Please contact the relevant committee clerk if in doubt.



Structure of Academic Board's Sub-committees

(updated November 2024) 


Sub-Committee Remits & Terms of Reference


Edu​​cation & Student Experience Committee​ ​Remit
​Quality & Standards Committee Remit
​Collaborative Provision Commitee Remit​​

​School Education & Student Experience Committees ​Remit​
​Research & Innovation Committee Remit​
​Research Integrity Committee Remit
​Academic Committee of the Doctoral College​

​School Research & Innovation Committees Remit
​University Academic Conduct Commmittee Remit
​Fitness to Practice Panel ​Remit

The Structure of Academic Board and all of its Sub-Committees, including the Terms of Reference for is also available for download as a single PDF document​​​​​​​​.


Background to Academic Board's Subcommittees

At its December 2014 meeting the Academic Board approved a process for the conduct of a focussed effectiveness review of Academic Board’s constitution and sub-committee structure which was undertaken between January and May 2015, reporting initially to the March meeting of Academic Board, with final proposals being brought to the June meeting.  The desired outcomes of the review were approved as follows:


(i) Revised Academic Board Constitution

That a proposal be developed for Board and Court approval which reflects the new academic structure and seeks to achieve, within its membership, a good balance of academic and professional experience and representation, consistent with the previous constitution, which will enable the Board to effectively discharge its remit.


(ii) Revised Academic Board Sub-Committee Structure

That the Board’s sub-committee structure be reviewed and proposals developed for Board approval which will seek to establish a deliberative structure which reflects the new academic structure and is properly focused and aligned to monitor and support the delivery of the key objectives in the Academic Strategy.


Following Academic Board’s endorsement of the proposals contained in the report received at its 6 March 2015 Meeting, the final Academic Board Constitution and Sub-Committee structure and Terms of Reference were approved at the meeting on 12 June 2015.  The new Academic Board Constitution was approved by University Court at its 22 June 2015 meeting.  The report is available here.


 Last updated 25 November 2024
