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​​​Request books and journals

Please let us know if you want to recommend a book or other item for the library. 

Email your subject librarian with the details as below.

Teaching staff

To request a book, email your subject librarian:

Please give us the following details (or if a DVD, CD etc, any relevant details):

  • Title 

  • Author

  • Publishing date

  • ISBN/Edition etc.

This will help us identify the items you want accurately. We would also like to know:

  • Number of expected students

  • If an item is essential, recommended or background reading and which items (if any) you will recommend students buy for themselves.

  • Preferred format – Do you have distance learners and need an e-book version?

If you have a long reading list, it is helpful if you can indicate priorities.  


Reading Lists and Timescales

We recommend you request reading list items at least six weeks before the start of trimester.  Ebooks can arrive very quickly, but print books and items can take longer, especially at busy times of the academic year. 

Details of the item will normally appear on LibrarySearch as soon as the order is placed. When the item actually arrives in the library, the status will change to In Cataloguing.  If you need it urgently, please log in to LibrarySearch and request the item.  It will be then be fast-tracked and should be with you within a few days.​


To recommend a journal, please email your Subject Librarian as above. Subscriptions for new journals are usually considered once a year as part of the annual periodical review. 

Many journals are now part of large subscription deals negotiated at a national level and prices increase year-on-year. As such, please include a clear summary of why the journal would benefit teaching/research in the University, and which subject areas it will impact. This business case will then have to be considered against other recommendations, current subscriptions and usage.
