Updated: 2 September 2020
What happened in Tr2 2019-20?
Reflect on what happened during the emergency provision in Tr2. Seek feedback and invite students to tell you what they would like to see next year.
How was your experience of the emergency provision; would it be sustainable had it been a full trimester?
Check back over Moodle forums, emails from students, webinar recordings for how students were finding the emergency approach. Access Moodle activity logs; how and when were students engaging with your materials?
There may have been no formal module evaluation, so it is worth emailing cohorts now for feedback on their experience. Keep it brief and ask for recommendations too: what online tools do they find helpful in other contexts? It is likely that they will be learning online in work-contexts and will have experience to offer us.
Gathering student feedback is crucial now and throughout the academic year.
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