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​Customer Service Excellence (CSE)


In March 2015, Property and Facilities successfully achieved the Customer Service Excellence Award.  In November of the same year, we went on to work in conjunction with our colleagues in Information Services and Governance and Planning Services to proudly attain a single Customer Service Excellence award for the University Secretary’s Group. This significant achievement demonstrates our drive for continuous improvement and our commitment to developing and maintaining dialogue with our customers.​


What is Customer Service Excellence?

Customer Service Excellence is the UK Government’s national standard for excellence in customer service. This is underpinned by a framework which encourages public service organisations to drive customer service to the core of their values and continually evaluate their processes and the customer journey.


What are the benefits?

CSE benefits both our customers and our staff by:


• Acting as a driver for continual improvement. The CSE standard requires organisations to evaluate and develop their processes on an ongoing basis, making progression in service delivery a key attribute.

• Facilitating skills improvement for individuals and teams. CSE standard actively encourages empowerment.  As a department we can ensure that our teams have the right skills and knowledge to provide competent, timely and engaging customer service.

• Increasing customer focus. To achieve CSE, you must ensure you encourage and maintain dialogue with your customers. Regular feedback and taking responsibility for the customer experience is at the heart of what we do.

• Encouraging team work and best practice sharing. By evaluating our processes against the CSE framework, we can really focus on ways to improve and evolve our service together.

• Developing a sense of achievement and pride. By achieving CSE and maintaining our award, our teams can actively demonstrate their knowledge and skill sets against a rigorously tested framework and be proud of the results we are achieving.

• Identifying areas for improvement. Receiving regular customer feedback demonstrates we are committed to ensuring we deliver the best, most effective service possible to all.


We need your help!

Your feedback is essential in shaping the service we provide for both staff and students. We would like you to tell us what you think we do well and what could be improved upon. Our aim is to exceed expectations, allowing you to easily achieve your goals.

Get in touch! Please email Facilities Service Desk on FacilitiesServicedesk@napier.ac.uk​ ​to provide your feedback.