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sighthill.jpgThe 2013 Employee Engagement Survey ran for a two week period from 4 to 19 November 2013 and is the University’s fifth survey. In 2011 the decision was made to run the survey bi-annually because this would bring it into line with the sector and it would also provide more time to implement the action plans that had been put in place across all areas of the University.


The survey allows staff the opportunity to give their views in relation to six main themes:

  1. Atmosphere of cooperation
  2. Equity
  3. Leadership
  4. Personal development
  5. Overall satisfaction
  6. Overall employee engagement


The sixth theme is new and was introduced in 2013 using 15 additional questions. In addition clarity was also provided in relation to the term ‘senior management’ and this refers to Deans, Heads of School, Directors of Service and members of the University Leadership Team. Finally staff in 2013 were able to theme their comments, when answering the two open ended questions.


The general guidelines for interpreting the survey provided by the survey provider are as follows:


​% Guideline​
​> 65+% positive ​clear strength
50% to 65% positive​ ​moderate strength
​<50% positive ​opportunity for improvement
​>25% negative ​weakness
​>40% negative ​clear problem


It should be noted that these are general guidelines and not benchmarks against UK industry norms.