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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Health and Safety Policies - A to Z



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Abrasive Wheels Abrasive Wheels Policy​


Access Out With Normal Hours

Access Out With Normal Working Hours​

Authorisation Form ​ (Word)


Access to the University by Children

​Access to the University by Chil​dren​​​​ 

Accidents, Dangerous Occurrence, Disease and Near Miss

​Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Disease and Near Miss Policy ​​​​

​Animals on University Property
​​Animals on University Propert​y Policy

Appointment of Competent Health & Safety Staff


Appointment of ​Competent Health & Safety Staff

Asbestos Asbestos Man​agement Policy

​Blood Collection
​See under "Phlebotomy/Blood Collection"​
​Body Fluids

​See under "Cleaning up body fluids"
​Chemicals ​See Hazardous Substances / Hazardous Chemicals
​Children ​See Access to the University by Children
​Cleaning up body fluids Guidance document​
​Confined Spaces ​​Working Safely in Confined Spaces 

​​Contractors Policy for Maintenance, Services and Events

Contractors Policy for Projects a​nd CDM

See also: Code of Practice for Management of University Contractors/Works​​

​Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health​

Copy of blank COSHH assessment form​ (Word)

​COSHH for cleaning operations COSHH Policy (Cleaning Operations)

COSHH Cleaning Guidance Sheets:
Cleaning Materials
Bodily Fluids

Cutting tools ​See "Knives, Sharps & Other Cutting Tools Policy
​Defibrillators ​​Defibrillator Guidance​​​
Design, Development and Manufacture Design, Development and Manufacture Policy​

Drinking and Ea​ting Drinking & Eatin​g Policy ​
Driving at Work (University Owned/Hired/Leased Vehicles)

Driving at Work Policy​​​​ 

Approved Driver Application Form (Word)
Driver Vehicle Checklist​ (Word)


​Drones Drones and UAVs Policy​​​ ​​
​DSE - Display Screen Equipment  ​​DSE Policy​​

​DSEAR  Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations​ 
​Electrical Testing ​See Portable Appliance Testing
Emergency Procedure

​​click here​   

What to do in the event of the fire alarm sounding or on discovering a fire


Emergencies - other

clic​k here​​

 e.g. hazardous chemical spillage, gas leak - link to emergency response procedures 


​Equipment ​​See under Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Events, Exhibitions and Filming

Events, Exhibitions & Filming in University Premises​​


​External clients - leasing rooms / labs / equipment ​​Guidance for the management of external clients leasing rooms, laboratories or equipment from the University

(Word version of forms from Guidance document​)

External clients induction form (Word)

External clients - Responsible Person Duties ​

Filming See under Events, Exhibitions and Filming

Fire Policy - campuses​

​Fire extinguishers ​Fire Extinguisher Guide​​
First aid ​First Aid Po​licy​​  


​First aiders guidance ​​First A​ide​rs Gu​idance​
​Hazardous Substances ​Hazardous Substances Policy (Safe Purchase, Storage, Transportation and Disposal)​​
​Hazards - reporting of ​​​Reporting of Hazards Policy​
Health Surveillance

​​Health ​Surveillance Policy


Heating click here Link to Property & Facilities policy
Homeworking click he​re   Link to HR&D policy



​Housekeeping Policy​

Use of Knives, Sharps & Other C​utting Tools Policy​
​Ladders and Stepladders ​Ladders and Stepladders Policy​
Ladder checklists

Legionella ​See under "Water Management Policy"


​Legislation and Guidance ​Legislation and Guidance Register​​
Lift Release Procedure click here Link to Emergency Response Procedures (ERP) - see page 5 of ERP document

​Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) ​Health & Safety Executive guidance : Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) - Work equipment and machinery (hse.gov.uk)​

​Lone Working ​​See Working Alone
​Management of Health & Safety ​​Management of Health & Safety - Guidance for Deans & Directors​​
​Manual Handling ​​Manual Handling ​Policy​​​

Multi-functional Devices, Laser Printers, Specialist Printers & 3D Printers

​MFDs, Laser Printers, Specialist​ Printers & 3D Printers


Noise Policy​


​Pagers ​​Pagers Policy (iss​uing of vibrating pagers)​

​Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
​Personal Emergency Evacuation​ Plan Policy
PEEP Flowcha​rt
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

​Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy​​​

​Phlebotomy/Blood Collection
​Phlebotomy/Blood Collection Policy

​ See Multi-functional Devices, Photocopiers and Laser Printers
​Policy - School/Service H&S ​See under "School/Service Safety Policy/Codes"​
​Portable Appliance Testing ​​​Electrical Portable Appliance Testing Policy
Printers (including 3D Printers) See Multi-functional Devices, Laser Printers, Specialist Printers & 3D Printers​


​3D Printing ​See Design, Development and Manufacture
Provision and Use of Work Equipment (PUWER)

PUWER Policy​

PUWER flowchart - selection of work equipment ​



​Radiation - x-ray generators

Radiation - ionising radiation


Work with X-ray Generators

Work with Ionising Radiati​on

​ ​
Restricted Areas

Restricted Ar​eas Policy

​Risk Assessment ​​​Risk A​ssessment Policy​
Risk​ Assessment Flowchart  ​ ​
Risk Assessment Form

Safe Systems of Work

​Safe Systems of Work Policy​

School/Service Safety Policy/Codes PDF​

Policy template covering what should be included in individual school/service safety policies


Smoking ​Smoking Policy​


​Staff Safety Induction

Staff (Associates) Safety Induction​
Staff Safety Induction PowerPoint
Staff Safety Induction - PDF copy of PowerPoint slides

Staff (Associates) Safety Induction PowerPoint
Staff (Associates) Safety Induction - PDF copy of PowerPoint slides

​Staff Safety Guide
​​Staff Safet​y Guide

Statutory Inspections


​Statutory Inspec​tions Policy


​Stress Stress Management Policy​​ ​​​ ​
Stress Managers Guide
Stress Emp​loyees Guide​

Managing Stress e-Guide tool 
(external link to European Agency for Safety & Health at Work)

​Student Safety Guide
​​Stude​nt Safety Guide
Supervision of Students​​ in Labs, Workshops and Studios

Supervision of Students in Laboratories, ​Workshops and Studios

Training and Competency

Training and Competency Policy

Appendix ​3​ (blank competency matrix - Word version for Schools and Service to complete​)


Travel Overseas


Travel Overseas Policy​​

Travel Overseas Guidance​

​See also Travel ​


​Control of Vibratio​n at Wo​rk Policy
Violence at Work

Violence at Work Policy​


​Visitors Policy​

Water Management Water ​Management Policy - Control of Legionella bacteria within water systems
​Welding and Cutting Welding and Cutting Policy​
​Work Equipment ​See under Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Working Alone

Working Alone P​olicy​​​


​Working Alone - Social Researchers ​Lone Working Procedure for Social Researchers

​Working at Height ​​Working at Height Policy​
Ladder checklist and register

Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare)

Workplace Regulations Policy​



​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Policy Review Schedule​