Over 60 IS Staff gather to make engagement happen
On the 26th of October, 62 staff from every area of Information Services gathered in the Merchiston Apex to hear an update from IS Management Team (ISMT) members on staff engagement, and to give their views on the services' staff engagement plan.
The event started with a series of quick-fire presentations from ISMT. They touched on, for example: feedback to ULT; the Data Centre and Operations team Wrap Party; staff getting creative during snowmageddon; involvement in external networks; and a teaser about our upcoming training needs analysis. And there was a good sprinkling of halloween about them!
Then we broke into small groups, with colleagues from different campuses and different teams together reviewing the service engagement plan that was created after our last event. There are now seven edited versions of the plan that Sarah Rowell is working to collate into an updated plan for the service.
Finally, we had a department social, to allow colleagues to continue to chat to people they may not already know, to recognise the hard work of all our staff, and to give a farewell to our departing director, David Telford.
If you would like to add your comments to the plan, drop Sarah Rowell a line, and watch this space for the next event, planned for 25th January 2019.