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​​Payroll Information

In general, pay date is the 28th of each month; unless it falls on a weekend, in which case it is the Friday preceding the 28th. Pay date is early in December due to University closure over Christmas.

Pay Dates​​

Friday 26th July 2024

Wednesday 28th Aug 2024

Friday 27th Sept 2024

Monday 28th Oct 2024

Thursday 28th Nov 2024


Cut Off Dates

All authorised payment claims, online or paper must be with Payroll by 10th of the month. All other changes must be with HR/Payroll by 15th of the month. 

December 2024: These dates will be earlier. ​


How is my pay calculated?

Salaried employees receive one twelfth of their annual salary each month.  Casual workers will be paid based on timesheets submitted for hours worked at an agreed hourly rate.    All payments are subject to tax, national insurance deductions and pension contributions, where applicable.  

How is my pay calculated in my first month of employment?

If you start part-way through the month you will receive a pro-rated salary based on one twelfth of your salary divided by the working days in the month multiplied by the number of days you have worked.  Using the month of January 2020 as an example, if your annual salary is £20,000 and you started working for the University on the 13th, and you are full time working Monday to Friday, you will have worked 15 days out of the 23 available working days in the month.    Monthly pay is £20,000/12= £1,667 and you would get paid £1,667/23 working days in the month x 15 days worked= £1,087.

How is my pay calculated in my last month of employment?

Once we are advised that you are leaving, we will calculate your final pay including any outstanding payments (such as holiday pay) or deductions for outstanding payments due such as overtaken holidays, season ticket loans, overpayments etc.  Your final pay will be paid into your bank account in the usual way on the 28th of the month, or the Friday before if this falls on a weekend.   If you leave part-way through the month you will receive a pro-rated salary based on one twelfth of your salary divided by the working days in the month multiplied by the number of days you have worked.  Using Janaury 2020 as an example, if your annual salary is £20,000 and you left employment on the 13th January, and you are full time Monday to Friday, you will have worked 9 days out of the 23 available working days in the month.   Monthly pay is £20,000/12= £1,667 and you would get paid £1,667/23 working days in the month x 9 days worked= £652.

Recurring Payments 

The University provides several  benefits which are paid for by recurring payments or salary sacrifice schemes, such as season ticket loans, childcare vouchers, annual leave purchase, Cyclescheme etc.  Any outstanding balances will be deducted from your final salary payment.   ​

I am changing hours mid-month, what will my pay look like?

Your payslip will show what your annual salary is on the 1st of the month.  If your salary is changed on the 2nd, this will not be shown on your payslip until the next month.  As per above, a mid month change is calculated by the days worked on that salary.  Again using January 2020 as an example, if your full time hours with an annual salary of £20,000 is reduced on the 20th of the month to £15,000 only working Mon-Wed, then you would be paid 20,000/23 working days *13 days worked, and then 15,000/13 working days * 6 days worked.  This is shown as one total on the payslip.  Your following month's payslip will have your new annual salary shown and a 12th of your salary as the basic pay. 

How do I update my details?

Salaried staff can amend their employee details such as address and bank details on HR Connect self Service. These need to be updated before the 15th of the month, in order for them to effective for that month’s pay. If you are casual and have a change in details, please contact payroll@napier.ac.uk.
