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Your Payslips and P60

HR Connect 

Payslips and P60s are available through HR Connect; click on the ‘My Pay’ tab on the left of the screen; you can then view or download your payslip/ P60. Please find a guide here​ ​​​on how to access your payslips and P60s via HR Connect.

Interactive payslips

When viewing your payslip through HR Connect you can see it in an interactive view. Clicking on any fields with the ‘i’ symbol will give further information, such as details of when your tax code changed or how your tax has been calculated. If your pay has changed, this is an excellent tool to explain why.

Email payslips/ P60

Employees can register to have their payslip/ P60 emailed each month, it is recommend to set this as a personal email address so you have access to your documents when required. To register for E-payslips, go to HR Connect, click on the drop down menu in the top right corner followed by settings and then E-form preferences. Here, you can enter your email address and set a password for both payslips and P60. E-payslips are sent out just before pay day each month and P60s in May. 

To view a video guide on how to register for E-payslips click here

Understanding Your Payslip

We aim to pay everyone accurately every month but it is important that you check your payslip, if there is anything that you are unsure about or think may be incorrect, please check your interactive payslip on HR Connect or contact payroll@napier.ac.uk as soon as possible. 


Please find an example of University payslips and an explanation of the different pay elements and details here​.
