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University Court Constitution

Napier Coat of Arms 

The Constitution of the Court of Edinburgh Napier University  is set out by The Napier University (Scotland) Amendment Order of Council 2007, as amended by the Edinburgh Napier University Amendment Order of Council 2018​ as follows:

(a)the Chair of Court, being the person appointed by the Court to the position of senior lay member
one person appointed by being nominated by the Chancellor to act as Assessor to the Chancellor
the Principal and Vice-Chancellor
one Vice-Principal, appointed by being nominated by the Principal and Vice-Chancellor
one person appointed by being elected by the Academic Board from among the members of the academic staff of the University who are members of that Board
two persons appointed by being elected by the staff of the University from among their own number
one person appointed by being nominated by a trade union from among the academic staff of the University who are members of a branch of a trade union that has a connection with the University
one person appointed by being nominated by a trade union from among the support staff of the University who are members of a branch of a trade union that has a connection with the University
two persons appointed by being nominated by the Students' Association of the University from among the students of the University


​such other persons appointed by the Court in accordance with its rules and procedures with the aim of the membership of the Court having a broad range of skills and experience being not less than 12 and not more than 14 persons as the Court may from time to time determine