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Dr Sofia Shan standing next to a body of water with sailboats and a tree with yellowing leaves. She is wearing a knee-length, yellow coat​​Dr Sofia (Shuanghui) Shan.

Institutional Researcher.

I am an Institutional Researcher in the Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement at Edinburgh Napier University. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My career is marked by a passionate commitment to improving the educational experience for university students, with a focus on critical issues such as student transition, engagement, and retention. My research interests mainly revolve around the transition of university students and how this process informs their identities. I recognise the unique challenges faced by marginalised students, including international students, Black and Global Majority students, mature students, and commuter students, and I am determined to create a more inclusive and equitable learning experience for them. My research not only identifies barriers to success but also seeks practical solutions to overcome them. Additionally, I am interested in using games to diversify the learning environment and enhance understanding and communication among both staff and students.

Currently, I am leading a research project exploring the awarding gap among UK domiciled undergraduate students, comparing the experiences of White students and their Black and Global Majority counterparts​. I have also recently created the board game "Far From Home," which utilises articulate discussions and role-play to foster empathy among university staff for international students. If you are interested in any of my work, please get in touch, and I would love to engage in a conversation.