Eye tests
You can request a free eye test if you are classified as a DSE (display screen equipment) user. Employers have a duty, under the Display Screen Equipment Regulations, to offer regular DSE users eyesight tests. The employee must inform their Line Manager of their intention to attend an Optician/Optometrist for an eye examination based on one of the reasons below:
- New employee at Edinburgh Napier University using DSE work; or
- Follow-up tests at regular intervals. Periods between eye tests are discretionary, but should normally be at least 2 years between tests; or
- If an employee complains of eyestrain or their eyesight is deteriorating more quickly, which they believe has been caused through using the DSE.
The employee can then attend a local Opticians/Optometrists for an eye examination (eye tests are free of charge).
Should normal ‘corrective’ spectacles/contact lenses be required, they are not part of this Policy (required for DSE work) and the user is expected to meet the full cost.
If special ‘corrective’ spectacles/contact lenses are required for DSE work, the user must obtain a VAT receipt for the spectacles/contact lenses that has been endorsed by the Optician/Optometrist to verify that glasses are required for DSE use.
If special ‘corrective’ spectacles/contact lenses are required, the sum of up to £50 (including VAT) will be paid by the School/Service through the FIN5 expenses route. However, should employees wish to upgrade to any frame or lens or coating, they will do so at their own expense.
Note: In terms of contact lenses, the University will only pay out a max. of £50 once every 2 years.