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Update 11 September 2023

All Covid rules and restrictions were lifted in Scotland on 30 April 2022. Since then a few cases of COVID have been reported across the University. The University is part of the local NHS working group, there has been no update from NHS on this new strain of COVID that we should be taking any further precautions, if this changes we will update this page accordingly.

Whilst the virus has not gone away, however what is expected of us has changed. Going forward, if people are feeling unwell they should stay off campus and ‘work at home’ if it is possible to do so, thereby reducing the risk of spreading anything not just COVID.

Opening windows and staying a safe distance apart will help, but really people should think whether they should be on campus or not. Everyone should maintain their clean discipline regime of washing their hands, etc.

If you are unable to work due to feeling unwell, you should record the sickness absence in the normal way with the appropriate absence reason selected. We will no longer use "Covid-19" sickness absence reasons for recording absence because it cannot be verified via testing. However, should you or a member of your team take a test which provides a positive result, please contact the Health and Safety Team with details, health&safetyoffice@napier.ac.uk, who are working with the local NHS and are continuing to monitor for outbreaks in the University. 


Essential Skillz - Line Managers' guide - resolving ErgoWize assessment concerns

Guide for line managers on resolving concerns ​raised by staff in the Essential Skillz Workstation assessment


If any staff or students contract scabies, please advise the Health & Safety Office, as the university has a duty to inform the NHS.

Monkey Pox

If any staff or students contract monkey pox, please advise the Health & Safety Office​, as the university has a duty to inform the NHS.

Working at home

Complete the Essential Skillz eLearning Home Working module (Apps Anywhere​ - Essential Skillz - Library)

Working and studying on campus

​Covid-19 rules and restrictions have been lifted in Scotland, but the virus has not gone away. Please follow Scottish Government 'Covid sense' guidance ​to help protect yourself and others.

Your health, safety and wellbeing is our number one priority and we will continue to work to ensure our campuses are safe for you to work and study.

Face coverings are no longer legally required in indoor spaces including all our university premises; however the Scottish Government strongly recommends that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces.

Although social distancing is no longer a requirement, we continue to encourage it where possible. To protect vulnerable/at higher risk staff and students, we expect all staff and students to respect those members of our community and especially those who are either wearing a lanyard or badge, or request that others keep a safe social distance.

Follow the Scottish Government's guidance on good hygiene principles, wash your hands frequently. 

Stay at home if you are unwell with symptoms or have a fever. 

While some of these measures will make life on campus feel more normal, we are continuing to exercise caution to help keep our communities safe from the spread of Covid-19. Please play your part in making our society safer by arranging to be vaccinated and boosted.

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