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​Information AuditFiling cabinets 2014


The University Information Audit 2014 is an opportunity for colleagues across the University to improve the processes they use to manage corporate information and records in line with Strategy 2020, resulting in efficient business processes supported by efficiently managed information and records.


An Information Audit is a systematic quality improvement process which begins with a data gathering exercise to understand what information the University holds in relation to its business processes. This exercise is then followed by an analysis of the data to identify where there are areas of risk and where there are opportunities to improve the management and processing of information. Finally, in collaboration with colleagues who deal with the specific information daily, Governance Services will provide advice, guidance and procedures to implement improvements to the information management processes.




The following presentation has been compiled to give managers and staff members an introduction to the Information Audit, providing some salient information and hopefully answering a few questions that they may have.

University Information Audit Overview V2.0.pptxUniversity Information Audit Overview V2.0.pptx

IS Information Audit meeting 20141203.pptxIS Information Audit meeting 20141203.pptx




INFORMATION AUDIT Managers Questionnaire V2.0.docxINFORMATION AUDIT Managers Questionnaire V2.0.docx

INFORMATION AUDIT Answer sheet for Managers' Questionnaire.xlsxINFORMATION AUDIT Answer sheet for Managers' Questionnaire.xlsx


Information Audit 2014 Spreadsheet Template V1.1.xlsInformation Audit 2014 Spreadsheet Template V1.1.xls


All Staff Questionnaire.docxAll Staff Questionnaire.docx


Further information


Audit FAQs.docAudit FAQs.doc

Information Security Classification Scheme V0.1 DRAFT FOR REVIEW.docx

 Records Management Glossary