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Submitting Your Research Proposal 

Once you are ready to submit to the funder and all the steps in the development stage have been completed, ensure all information has been added to Worktribe including any documents and select submit for approval in Worktribe.

The Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) team member supporting your proposal will check all the information and assess risks associated with the work. They will then send the record back to you for amendments or approve the submission.

  • Your RIE contact will inform your school of any issues or things to be aware of. The record will then be approved by the school and in some cases the University Leadership Team.
  • Once all internal approvals are in place you can submit to the funder.

submission.pngCheck submission requirements

How you submit your proposal may differ. You should ensure that you are aware of the process and have time for all steps before deadlines. Some require University authorisation via:

  • Physical signature, e.g. CSO
  • Submission system eg Je-S (RCUK), eGAP2 (British Academy)
  • Flexi-grant (Royal Society)
  • Grant tracker (Wellcome trust, Leverhulme trust and various Medical Charities)
  • RIE/institutional approval of applications forms will only occur after the proposal has been approved on Worktribe by the Head of Research.

Submission review, assessment and recommendation

Once submitted to the funder there will be a period of review, before funders assess the proposal and make recommendations for funding.

The funder may contact you during this period for further information, or amendments to the proposal or costs. If this happens, please keep the RIE contact informed and upload any documentation about this. You can notify the project contact via the comments tab within the Worktribe project to let them know of any potential changes.

RIE will also be able to provide you with revised costs for the funder if requested.


Please visit the links below to learn more about the next stages of the research process. 
