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​​​​​Support, Guidance and Training

On this page you’ll find additional information to help answer any My Contribution questions you may have.

The My Contribution Guidelines​​ provide clarity on the process, with guidance on topics such as:

·         Changing roles during the annual cycle

·         having more than one manager

·         eligibility to complete the process, for example, fixed term or permanent staff


My Contribution t​raining sessions:​


We offer various training sessions. To book ont​o a workshop or find out more, you could either log in to HR connect -> then click on the 'Learning' tab or use the links provided below. ​​

​​Creating a Feedback Culture (for people managers only)

This 3.5 online session will support leaders and managers in creating a feedback culture, fuelling high performance by providing recognition, support, redirection and challenge - ensuring our people feel they are valued and helping them perform at their best. ​​

For further information and to book on it click here. ​

​ ​                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Development: Fuelling Growth and Learning (for people managers only)

This 3.5 online session will equip and upskill leaders and managers for review season and beyond, enabling them to hold powerful development conversations that fuel positive learning & growth, and challenge us around our expectations for the year ahead.

For further information and to book on it click here​.

My Contribution support videos and guides for all colleagues (reviewees):

We have created short support videos and simple step-by-step guides to show you how to complete the system activities.​

​How to:
Watch support videos​:Read step-by-step guides:​
​Add objective on HR Connect 
Clic​k here to watch ​it
Click here to access it​
Add progress updates​ to objectives ​​Click here to watch it​
Click h​ereto access it ​
Find and print previously completed performance review forms​
Click here to watch it​​Click h​ere to access it 
Save and print obje​ctives 
Click here to watch it ​​Click here to access it 
Add a progress update and rating to each objectiv​e 
Click here to watc​h it ​
Click here to access​ it
Complete the End of Year Review Form​
Not available 
​​Click here​​ to access it

My Contribution support videos and guides for People Managers ​(reviewers):​

​How to:
Watch support videos:​
​Read step-by-step guides:
View your team member's objectives​Click here to watch it​
Not available 
Get a PDF document of your​ team member's current objectives ​Click here to watch it ​
Click here to access it
Complete the End of Year Review Form for your team member​Not available​
​​Click ​here to access it

For further information and guidance please visit our web pages: ​

N​​eed additional support?​


If you have further issues with the HR Connect system, please raise a ticket at Unidesk on the staff intranet homepage.

Please contact HR Services at humanresources@napier.ac.uk if you need any clarification on what to do next or understanding how to use the forms online.​