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 ​​Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training​ and Resources

Edinburgh Napier offers a range of e-learning and training resources for all staff to learn more about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, covering different topics.

General Inclusion Training and Resources

E-learning - Equality and Diversity - mandatory

The course introduces staff to the key features and provisions within equalities legislation, understand broader equality and diversity issues and to know their responsibilities and rights as a member of staff of the University.

The course can be accessed by going to AppsAnywhere and launching the Essential Skillz programme.

All staff are expected to complete the programme. For example, new staff complete the course as part of their induction programme and managers have a responsibility to ensure that their staff undertake the course as part of their development.​

Discover Learning

A platform offering a wide range of high-quality, practical, 'on demand' resources, designed to assist colleagues in tackling day-to-day challenges and to support your continuing development.

==> Access The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion channel on Discover Learning

Your guide to diversity, equity,​​ inclusion and belonging [External]

A short and comprehensive course on the importance of inclusion in the workplace. Free on LinkedIn.

You can start the course here​.

ENhancing Inclusion

The Department of Learning & Teaching has developped resources to support academic colleagues to deliver inclusive learning.

==> Access resources on the ENha​ncing Sharepoint site​

Unconscious bias [External]

​​A short video explaning what unconscious bias is

==> watch the video

Race Equality


Anti-racist Digital Artefact

Created by Edinburgh Napier students, these are interactive scenarios exploring the impact of our teaching through the lens of developing anti-racist curricula. 

==> Access Anti-racisit Digital Artefact​

Disability and neurodiversity

Supporting Staff and Students with Disability

We are committed to supporting students and staff by providing reasonable adjustments to their learning and working environment. This e-learning module is available to all staff to better understand challenges around disability, and the need for reasonable adjustments.​ 

==> Access​ Supporting Staff and Students with Disability

British Sign Language (BSL)

This module aims to develop awareness of British Sign Language (BSL) and to share good practice in communicating with people who use BSL to improve experience of services

==> ​ Access British Sign Language Course

Neurodiversity Week [External]

The website Neurodiversity Week has lots of resources about the different types of neurodivergence, and how to support students. 

You can find them here​.

Gender-Based Violence and Hate Crimes

Tackling Harassment - Promoting Cultutal Change in Higher Education: Responding to Disclosures

This online Moodle module provides in-depth information about harassment, hate incidents and hate crimes. It explains the impact of these on the person concerned, as well as the wider community. It provides clear examples and tools on how to respond to difficult disclosures. 

==> Access​ Tackling Harassment: Responding to Disclosures

​Gender-Based Violence

Created in partnership with the University of Highlands and Islands, this online course aims to ​develop participants' understanding of the nature, extent and impact of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), especially in the Higher Education sector. It also offers prac​tical guidance on how to respond to disclosure.

==> Access Gender-Based Violence Training

Responding to Hate and Extremism [External]

The Centre for Hate Studies (University of Leicester) has developed this series of digital training modules to support better understanding and responses to hate and extremism.​ There are 6 modules focusing on different aspects of hate crimes. One focuses specifically on Hate Crimes in the Higher Education.

Some stories referred to in the courses can be sensitive.

==> Access Responding to Hate and Extremism​

LGBT+ Inclusion

Pro at Pronouns

Developed internally by the LGBT+ Network, this session aims to be a safe-space and discussion around inclusive language. The format of the session is very intereactive and discursive, exploring the effects of assumptions on all of us.

You can find an example of the presentation here​.

Please contact lgbt@napier.ac.uk if you are interested in setting up a session with your team.

​Inter-cultural Communication

Interfaith Scotland - Cross-cultural communication

In this course, we learn to consider how others might interpret our behaviour and also examine our own interpretations, focusing on some of the areas that can cause division such as gender norms, perceptions of rudeness and body language.

==> Access the presentation slides for Cross-cultural communication​​

Crossing Borders [External]

​This organisation offers a variety of engaging tools to initiate dialogue and develop and practice intercultural competence. Our educational tools are based on a​uthentic, real-life experiences.

Please note a cost might be involved to access some resources

==> Access Crossing Borders​

If you require further information or support, or would like to share other useful resources, please email: s.flower@napier.ac.uk​
