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​Report and Support

We take reports of bullying and harassment, hate incidents, sexual misconduct and domestic abuse seriously. All staff, students and visitors to our campus are able to use

this online tool.​


Report and Support helps us make the University a better, safer and more equal place to work and study.

If you have been a victim of misconduct or violence, you can use Report and Support to access help.

There are two ways to report – either anonymously or you can share contact details and ask for someone to contact you.

Click here to access the Report and Support website 

If you would like more information on this service, click here​.




Our Dignity at Work Policy​  is the framework within which we promote equality of opportunity in all that we do and will not tolerate bullying, harassment and discrimination of any kind. We will also not tolerate victimisation of a person for reporting such behaviour in good faith or supporting someone to make such a complaint.


Unacceptable behaviour in the workplace can have a significant negative impact on a person, group of people and the working environment of the University as a whole. We recognise that there may be occasions where employees may have concerns about behaviour of someone or others towards them and that it can be difficult to raise a complaint of harassment, discrimination, bullying or victimisation.


We encourage employees to access the appropriate sources of support available and seek to promote an environment where people who have been the subject of inappropriate behaviour feel able to raise their concerns without fear of victimisation.


Where attempts to resolve the matter informally have been unsuccessful, or where the behaviour is of such a serious nature that informal measures would be inappropriate, formal action can be taken. We are committed to ensuring that all formal complaints are investigated and dealt with fairly and appropriately.