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Career Stories​

Sharing career stories can be a powerful way to connect with others, learn new things, and gain inspiration and motivation for your own career. 

At Napier, we pride ourselves on being the home of difference makers. We are delighted to be able to share career stories from staff working across the University and tell us what has made a difference in their career.  

Share Your Story ​

Sharing your own career story can be a way to reflect on your own experiences and accomplishments. It can help you identify areas where you've grown or where you need to improve and can be a way to celebrate your successes. 

Through sharing your story with others, you will be making a difference: 

When people hear about someone's career journey, especially if they've overcome challenges, it can be inspiring and motivating. They might gain new ideas, learn new skills or feel encouraged to take a step forward in their own career. 

Sharing career stories can help us make connections, to create a sense of belonging and identify collaborators and mentors. 

Hearing about someone's successes and failures can provide valuable insights and lessons such as learning about a new approach to problem-solving or gaining a better understanding of how to navigate a particular career. 

Other Ways to Connect with Colleagues ​

